
Browsing Gallery: Vic Series - 58mm - National Flags

A gallery of Victorinox 58mm SAKs that have flags of different nations on them.
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(1024x1024) (250275 Bytes) [3764 Hits]

(640x480) (119764 Bytes) [4581 Hits]

The Netherlands National Flag Classic
(314x600) (50534 Bytes) [7458 Hits]

(397x307) (31921 Bytes) [6103 Hits]

United States Flag 4 designs
(640x480) (89262 Bytes) [5224 Hits]

United States variation.JPG
(640x480) (212271 Bytes) [4297 Hits]

USA Flag
(640x480) (98741 Bytes) [8703 Hits]

(640x480) (67099 Bytes) [7085 Hits]

Victorinox 5 Nation Flag Collection
(640x480) (56584 Bytes) [17067 Hits]

Victorinox Classic - Poland.JPG
(640x480) (128716 Bytes) [4978 Hits]

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  • 2 (current)
  • »
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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

Additional Image Galleries Image