

A 74mm Victorinox Prince with Stainless Steel Scales,it has the cut style nail file on the other side The Victorinox Prince is a slim 74mm Swiss Army knife with three tools and stainless steel scales. Early models may feature different versions of the nail-file.

The Cavalier was an equivalent model with Cellidor scales, toothpick, and tweezers.
See Variations below.

Name Disambiguation:
An older version of this configuration (possibly in a different market and with a different nail-file), was called the Princess. Not to be confused with the later 58mm Princess model!
The Cavalier version should not to be confused with the 58mm Cavalier model.


Layer Tools

Cellidor Prince (Cavalier)
Cellidor Prince (Cavalier)

Red alox prince and customized version
Red alox prince and customized version

Different scale options
Different scale options

Scale Tools


Originally stainless steel, later available with red Cellidor and red alox scales.


An earlier version of this configuration seems to have been called the Princess - See this catalogue page. The later Prince (model 0.6400.39) was also made with stainless steel scales and, according to Victorinox, was produced between 1996 and 2005.


  1. The original Prince had stainless steel scales, and no toothpick, tweezers or keyring.
  2. The Cavalier was a later version with Cellidor scales, with or without toothpick and tweezers, and no keyring. See this catalogue page. This variation should not be confused with the 58mm Cavalier.
  3. An imitation tortoise-shell scaled model was named the Treasurer in this 1980 Canadian catalog. A version with exposed rivets was also available.

Physical Specifications

  • Length: 74mm
  • Width: 8.8mm (Cellidor)
  • Weight: 33.6g (Cellidor)


  • 0.6400: Cavalier model: Red Cellidor scales; no toothpick, no tweezers; no keyring
  • 0.6400.31: Stainless Steel scales with Design 1
  • 0.6400.39: Stainless Steel scales with scale Design 9.
  • 0.6402: Cavalier model: Red Cellidor scales; toothpick and tweezers; no keyring
  • 0.6403: Adds keyring to 0.6402

US Model Numbers:

  • 54261: Red Cellidor scales
  • 54261.G: Green Cellidor scales

Related Models

  • 74mm Escort - Removes the small blade
  • Ambassador - Replaces the small blade with a nail-file; replaces the large nail-file with scissors
Created by stressmaster5000. Last Modification: Friday 10 of May, 2024 07:25:11 CEST by Huntsman.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

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