

Model number 16937 The Wenger Skier is a hard to find model made for the skier sports enthusiast.
Two different versions of this knife were made, one which features a metal saw/file, and one without. The latter, with catalog 1.34.03 was primarily sold in Europe and other countries.

Discontinued model.

Layer Tools

Old model produced around 1975/1976
Old model produced around 1975/1976

Back Layer Tools

Scale Tools


Standard red synthetic scales with an image of a skier screen printed and embossed into the scale.


  • 16937 Wenger NA - Skier Version as quoted above with the metal saw/file
  • 1.42.03 Wenger AN - Model with metal file
  • 1.34.03 Wenger AN - Known as Mountain/Ski, Mountain, and Skiloper. Same tool asortment but without the metal saw/file


The red blade on this tool is for scraping excess wax off skis. The metal file is for sharpening the edges of skis, as they can get burrs and dented going over rocks or stones.


  • 1.42.03 Wenger AN - Model with metal file
  • 16937 Wenger NA - Skier Version as quoted above with the metal saw/file

Related Models 

  • Shredder - A Wenger knife made for the Snowboarding sports enthusiast
Created by stressmaster5000. Last Modification: Wednesday 14 of October, 2020 18:12:33 CEST by Nick4.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

Additional Image Galleries Image