Released over two years, the Lifestyles Series was a set of unique models based on various themes or hobbies.
Only the Golf Tool, Cybertool and Altimeter are still in production and are regular catalogue items.
The Lifestyles concept, and other models, have been abandoned.
This was more of a marketing initiative to target different customer groups with models and tools specific to their needs.
Only the Golf Tool, Cybertool and Altimeter are still in production and are regular catalogue items.
The Lifestyles concept, and other models, have been abandoned.
This was more of a marketing initiative to target different customer groups with models and tools specific to their needs.
Models in the series, and release dates, were:
Still in Production:
- AutoTool - 1999
- SportRatchet - 1999
- BriefcaseTool - 2000 - Very little is known about this model - Although from a catalogue around 2000 - It seems that this could have become the Traveller