The Vagabond Alox edition, with copper or silver scales, was introduced in 2012 as an exclusive for the dealer Swiss Bianco, who commissioned a special run of this model.
Name Disambiguation: The Vagabond tool configuration was known as the Manager at one time - See History below.
Table of contents
Layer Tools
- Pen blade
- Emergency blade - small Wharncliff style
- Cut & picker blade- can be used as a peeler / opener
- Nail-file with nail-cleaner tip - later versions have a screwdriver tip
- Cap-lifter / Combi tool - includes a small Phillips screwdriver and a wire stripper/bender
- Early versions have a flat-tipped screwdriver
- Scissors
- Keyring / Split-ring attachment point
Scale Tools
Red and ruby (translucent red) Cellidor - Possibly others.
This model (toolset) has had three evolutionary changes based around changes to the combination/opener tool.
- Flat screwdriver with no wire stripper notch
- Flat screwdriver with wire stripper notch
- Phillips screwdriver with wire stripper notch with a corresponding switch in the nail-file from nail-cleaner to flat screwdriver tip
The first version was also known as the Mate and became available in 1995.
The wirestriper notch was added in 1997, and this could have been when the Vagabond name was first introduced. The Phillips screwdriver was introduced at a later stage.
The Phillips version, surprisingly, was also (initially and in some markets?) known as the Manager - see this tool guide. This was probably before the current two-layer Manager was available.
The Vagabond is currently discontinued.
- The L.L. Bean edition was produced with olive green scales - one of L.L. Bean's corporate colours.
- The Vagabond was reintroduced in December 2012, in a limited quantity Alox edition, exclusively for the dealer Swiss Bianco. This variation was produced with copper anodized handles, as well as the standard silver anodizing. The tools in this version are the same as the regular version, however the tool arrangement differs from the Cellidor version - which, according to SAKWiki 'rules', makes it a three-layer model! - See notes on the two-layer page. It does not include the toothpick and tweezers, in common with Alox scaled models.
Physical Specifications
- Length: 58mm
- Width: 11.7mm
- Weight: 34.9g
- 0.6373: Manager / Vagabond - with Phillips (see tool guide in History above)
US Model Numbers:
- 54071: Red scales, combi with flat screwdriver - aka Mate
- 54081: Manager, combi with Phillips
- 56071: Vagbond, red scales, combi with Phillips screwdriver
Related Models
- Mate - No wire-stripper notch; the combi tool has a flat screwdriver tip rather than the Philips tip; nail-cleaner tip on the nail-file
- Drifter - Removes the cut-and-picker blade; adds a ruler with nail-cleaner or screwdriver tip - depending on vintage
- Rambler - Removes the cut-and-picker and emergency blades
- MiniChamp - Adds the cuticle-pusher and ruler tools; replaces the toothpick with a retractable pen