
SIG 550 Stgw 90 rifle Sight Adjustment Tool

Victorinox FASS 90 with the hight adjustment tool opened Sight adjustment tool for the Stgw-90 (also known as the SIG SG 550 and FASS 90) Swiss Army assault rifle is unique to the models developed for Grunig + Elmiger Swiss hunting and shooting sports equipment company initially by Wenger company (Wenger STGW 90), later by Victorinox company (Victorinox FASS 90).

It consists of two sub-tools for the rotating diopter drum rear sight adhustment (for higher/lower and right/left adjustment).

Stgw 90 rear sight left/right adjustment tool
Stgw 90 rear sight left/right adjustment tool
Wenger Stgw 90 rear sight higher-lower adjustment tool
Wenger Stgw 90 rear sight higher-lower adjustment tool
="Victorinox FASS 90 rear sight higher-lower adjustment tool"
Victorinox FASS 90 rear sight higher-lower adjustment tool


The right/left adjustment sub-tools seems to be the same for Wenger and Victorinox models.

But the higher/lower adjustment sub-tools have some difference in design (see photos).

The front scale of the knives has several markings that indicate how to use the sight adjustment tool.

Using the sight adjustment tool

Video on YouTube - Victorinox 'Korrekturmesser für Stgw 90' (SIG 550, FASS 90) usage.

Created by Nick4. Last Modification: Friday 28 of July, 2023 00:44:14 CEST by Nick4.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

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