This model is very similar to the Vagabond which was produced after the Mate was discontinued. This tool configuration may even have been known as the Vagabond in some markets. See the Vagabond page for history and evolution.
Discontinued model
Table of contents
Layer Tools
- Small pen blade
- Scissors
- Nail-file - with nail cleaner tip
- Emergency blade
- Cap-lifter / Flat screwdriver
- Cut & picker blade with scraper
- Keyring
Scale Tools
Standard red Cellidor
Physical Specifications
- Length: 58mm
- Width: 11.2
- Weight: 34g
The first year of production was 1995. Since there no known models produced with the wire stripper notch on the bottle opener, it must have been discontinued before 1997. The Mate shares a close history with the Vagabond model - see the Vagabond page for more details.
The BSA Wood Badge version features black scales and a gold Wood Badge log/axe emblem on the top scale, the bottom scale has the regular shield.
The Wood Badge is awarded to Scouting leaders who achieve the highest level of leader training.
- 0.6353 (US Model Number: 54071)
Related Models
- Vagabond - Later version: adds the wire-stripper/bender notch; later versions replace the flat-tip screwdriver with a Philips tip
- MiniChamp I - Replaces the opener/screwdriver with a cuticle pusher and ruler/screwdriver
- Rogue - Removes the emergency and cut-and-picker blades
- Drifter - Replaces the cut&picker blade with a ruler/screwdriver; the combi straight screwdriver tip with a Phillips; Alox handles
- Rambler - Removes the emergency and cut-and-picker blades; replaces the combi tool flat screwdriver tip with a Phillips, and nail-file nail-cleaner tip with a flat screwdriver tip