
Deluxe Tinker

Victorinox Deluxe Tinker. Picture by jazzbass The Victorinox Deluxe Tinker is a 91mm model with four tool layers.
It includes both the scissors and pliers, in addition to all the standard tools of the Tinker. This model offers quite a lot in a small package.

The Matterhorn model/variation was a Deluxe Tinker with a partially serrated blade - This model is no longer available.

Layer Tools

Matterhorn variation - With a 60% serrated blade
Matterhorn variation - With a 60% serrated blade

Back Layer Tools

Scale Tools


Red synthetic Cellidor. Other colours available.


At one time this model was common for use as an advertising knife and was available with various colored scales. Blue seems have been a favorite color for the advertising knives.


  1. The Matterhorn variation replaces the main blade with a 60% partially serrated blade, the serrations starting at the tang. It was one of a series of three models named after famous mountains - See also: McKinley, Rainier. All were serrated versions of regular models - This series is discontinued.
  2. The 2018 Damascus Limited Edition (6000 pieces) was a Deluxe Tinker clad in plum wood scales.
  3. The VSAKCS annual issue for 2021 was a Deluxe Tinker with dramatic, multicoloured, textured scales.

Physical Specifications

Deluxe Tinker from the early '90s (No hook)
Deluxe Tinker from the early '90s (No hook)
  • Length: 91mm
  • Width: 21.9mm
  • Weight: 125g


  • 1.4723: Red Cellidor scales.
  • 1.4721.J18: Damascus Limited Edition 2018

US Model Numbers;

  • 53481: Red Cellidor scales
  • 73540: Red Cellidor scales without hook

Related Models


Created by Bear_Claw_Chris_Lappe. Last Modification: Thursday 16 of February, 2023 14:25:21 CET by Nick4.

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Victorinox Models

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Size Layers Pics
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