
Delémont Evolution Cigar 36 and 79

Delémont Evolution - Cigar 79 The Victorinox Cigar Evolution 36 and 79 models are 85mm Swiss Army Knives featuring the unique Wenger  cigar cutting tool and Wenger style ergonomic Evolution contoured scales.
The model 79 (main picture) has an extended toolset over the model 36.

Layer Tools

Evolution Cigar 36
Evolution Cigar 36

Both Models

Additional Tools for the Model 79 (main picture)

Back Layer Tools

Both Models

Additional Tools for the Model 79

Scale Tools


Red Evolution scales

Models / Variations 

Two models as described above


Victorinox ceased production of Wenger Swiss Army Knives in 2014 , however they decided to continue manufacturing of some of the former Wenger knives under the Victorinox 'Delémont' brand. These are two of them.
For differences between the Victorinox and Wenger versions - See the main Delémont 85mm page.

Physical Specifications

Model 79

  • Length: 85mm
  • Width: 24mm
  • Weight: 96g


  • 2.5703. E - Model 36
  • 2.5713. E - Model 79

Related Models

  • Cigar Cutter - A Victorinox 74mm model that has a cigar cutter of a different design
  • Evolution 14 - Removes the cigar cutter from the Model 79


Created by Huntsman. Last Modification: Tuesday 20 of July, 2021 06:14:45 CEST by Huntsman.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

Additional Image Galleries Image