
Delémont NailClip 580

Delémont NailClip 580 - No Red Dot The Victorinox NailClip 580 is a 65mm Swiss Army Knife that is the Victorinox version of the Wenger Swiss Clipper.
It contains a traditional nail clipper that is cleverly folded into the frame of the knife.
It is available in classic Cellidor red and transparent red, or wooden scales.

Layer Tools

Evowood Variation
Evowood Variation

Scale Tools

Not present in the Evowood version


Classic red, transparent red and two Swiss Gear patterned versions.
Also available with Evolution wooden scales.


Victorinox ceased production of Wenger Swiss Army Knives in 2014 , however they decided to continue manufacturing of some of the former Wenger knives under the Victorinox 'Delémont' brand. This is one of them.


  1. The NailClip Wood 580 version features ‘Evolution’ scales made from Swiss walnut (pictured above)   Note: No toothpick and tweezers in this variation.
  2. The SwissGear* version features the Wenger logo framed by the words Swiss Gear. Available in a grey/black and red/black variation, it is believed that Victorinox released a limited number of these in 2020 for trade-mark protection of the logo. * SwissGear is one of the brand names used by the Wenger company.

Physical Specifications

SwissGear branded version
SwissGear branded version

Base Model

  • Length: 65mm
  • Width: 18.5mm
  • Weight: 36g


  • 0.6463
  • 0.6463.T – Transparent scales
  • 0.6461.63 – Swiss walnut scales
  • 0.6463.3E1 - Swiss Gear scales (red/black version)
  • 0.6463.3E2 - Swiss Gear scales (grey/black version)

Related Models



Created by Huntsman. Last Modification: Friday 14 of July, 2023 03:45:18 CEST by Huntsman.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

Additional Image Galleries Image