Browsing Gallery: Wenger Tools 130mm

Tools available or once available on the Wenger 130mm frame knives. These use to be classified as 120mm, but New Ranger series tools are now classified 130mm, with the original Ranger series being 120mm.
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Marlinspike / Shackle Opener
(722x290) [28737 Hits]

Wenger BitDriver In Handle and Frame
(360x360) [19099 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Standard Blade
(650x276) [96500 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Corkscrew
(375x500) [31513 Hits]

Wenger 130mm OH Serrated Blade
(650x196) [3894 Hits]

130mm OH Blades Comparisan
(400x237) [106264 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Awl
(400x600) [4405 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Phillips
(650x462) [4314 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Blade
(650x267) [4412 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Saw
(650x229) [27639 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Liner Lock
(647x752) [3948 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Can Opener
(650x446) [3889 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Cap lifter
(650x421) [43985 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Stainless Steel Metal Saw/File
(665x527) [33089 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Can Opener
(461x199) [17210 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Wood Saw
(450x73) [16797 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Metal File and Saw
(500x85) [17154 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Gutting Blade
(500x90) [17119 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Folding Scissors / Shears
(500x211) [17364 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Standard Blade
(500x95) [16793 Hits]

Wenger 130mm One-Hand Blade.
(500x121) [17215 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Clip
(215x128) [33937 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Screwdriver 3.5mm - Available on the Alinghi models.
(500x112) [24522 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Caplifter
(498x182) [16884 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Shackle Opener, Marlin Spike, Sacking Needle
(500x111) [38490 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Awl
(500x66) [16744 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Folding Pliers
(500x197) [47905 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Phillips Screwdriver
(500x71) [16642 Hits]

Wenger 120mm One-Hand Serrated Blade
(500x121) [17213 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Serrated Blade
(500x93) [17094 Hits]

Wenger 130mm Corkscrew
(500x98) [17318 Hits]

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

Additional Image Galleries Image